WHISTLER SOCIETY ANNUAL DINNER 2024 CHELSEA ARTS CLUB LOGGIA WEDNESDAY 31ST JANUARY 2024 6:30 PM (GMT) We are delighted to invite you to join us for the Whistler Society...
A SÉANCE WITH WHISTLER NOW AVAILABLE ONLINEA PERFORMANCE BY MR DARCY SULLIVAN Thank you to everyone who participated in the seance on Wednesday evening, it was a resounding...
WILL THE REAL JAMES WHISTLER PLEASE STAND UPDANIEL E. SUTHERLAND: LETTERS FROM AMERICA Whistler ranks as one of the most colourful “celebrities” of his day. The number of stories,...
WHISTLER IN THE GREAT BEYONDDANIEL E. SUTHERLAND: LETTERS FROM AMERICA Members of the Whistler Society have recently been able to communicate with the Master through...
WHISTLER AND THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH ARTISTSDANIEL E. SUTHERLAND: LETTERS FROM AMERICA The Royal Society of British Artists, one of the UK’s most venerable arts organizations,...
WHISTLER, DICKENS & TROTTY VECKDANIEL E. SUTHERLAND: LETTERS FROM AMERICA Whistler insisted over and over again that the principal standard for judging a work of art...